Choose Freedom: Daily Habits to Deepen Your Faith and Resist Temptation

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him (Matthew 4:8-11).

A few weeks ago, I was burdened by anxieties about the growth and direction of our work in Uganda. I sought God's guidance. He revealed how I, in my desire to "do it all," had unintentionally hindered others from using their gifts and serving Him. This realization awakened me to the truth: I had tried to be lord of my life and the work He has called us to instead of surrendering to God's will.

My confession sparked a crucial question: Are we, like I unintentionally did, unknowingly allowing the devil a foothold in our lives? Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Therefore, as followers of Jesus who want to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, we should ask ourselves the tough questions about every area of our life:

In your career: Do you chase promotions and success at the expense of ethical practices or neglecting family time? Does your work align with your Christian values, or does it compromise them for worldly gain? Imagine Jesus sitting beside you during a crucial business meeting. Would you feel comfortable with Him observing your decisions and interactions?

In your finances: Do you succumb to impulsive spending, drowning in debt while neglecting tithes and offerings? Do you view money as a source of security and happiness or as a tool entrusted by God to steward wisely and generously? Imagine Jesus reviewing your bank statements and financial plans. Would He find them honoring His name, reflecting responsible stewardship and generosity?

In your relationships: Do you harbor unaddressed resentment, engage in manipulative behaviors, or prioritize selfish desires over love and forgiveness? Do your interactions within your family, friendships, and romantic relationships reflect Christ's compassion, humility, and selflessness? Imagine Jesus sitting at your dinner table, observing your interactions with loved ones. Would He be joyful at the love and grace displayed or saddened by unresolved conflicts and hurtful exchanges?

In raising your children: Do you prioritize strict control and immediate obedience over fostering open communication and nurturing their relationship with God? Do you instill values rooted in faith and love or succumb to societal pressures and worldly expectations? Imagine Jesus witnessing your parenting style. Would He see patience, understanding, guidance, or a heavy hand focused on outward conformity rather than fostering a genuine love for Him?

Remember, "Lord" signifies not just a title but absolute authority and influence. By honestly examining these areas, we can identify where we've unknowingly given the devil control, replacing God's will with our desires. This doesn't mean intentional evil, but rather subtle ways we prioritize worldly pursuits over seeking God's guidance and surrendering to His Lordship.

This self-reflection isn't meant to induce guilt or shame but to ignite a transformative journey. Through repentance, prayer, and a renewed commitment to making Jesus Lord in every aspect of our lives, we can reclaim our rightful place as His children, walking in freedom and victory instead of living under the devil's subtle but oppressive influence.

In Matthew 4:8-11, Satan tempts Jesus with the allure of the world's splendor. But Jesus, recognizing God as the true owner of all things, declares, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" Jesus, despite the immense potential power offered, chose obedience to the Father. Jesus’s actions taught us that we are constantly confronted with the choice between life and death. Choose sin – and live in bondage. Choose God - and live in freedom.

I have lived long enough to know that saying these words is easy. Living them out and making righteous choices is more difficult. So, here are a few suggestions to help you choose life:

  • Start your day with prayer. Dedicate the first moments of your day to acknowledging God's presence and surrendering your plans to His will. Seek guidance and strength for the day ahead (Psalm 5:3).

  • Make mindful decisions throughout the day. Before engaging in any activity, pause and ask yourself: "Is this choice honoring God? Does it align with His teachings?" This simple practice keeps you focused on living according to His values, not worldly pressures (Ephesians 5:10).

  • Seek opportunities to serve others. Look for ways to extend kindness and compassion, remembering that true worship goes beyond words and extends to actions (James 2:17). Helping others benefits them and deepens your connection with God.

  • Spend time in scripture and reflection. Regularly immerse yourself in God's word, meditating on its teachings and allowing them to shape your thoughts and actions. This spiritual nourishment strengthens your resolve and equips you to face daily temptations (Joshua 1:8).

  • Embrace the power of community. Surround yourself with fellow believers who share your commitment to walking with God. Share your struggles, celebrate your victories, and hold each other accountable for choosing freedom in Christ (Hebrews 10:25).

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